Anne Rosenfeld

Advises SuDa on formulating programs for mind-body wellness and cross-disciplinary collaborations with the arts and humanities, the physical and natural sciences, and the social sciences.

In 1999, Anne Rosenfeld established The Learning & the Brain Conference, enabling neuroscientists and educators to meet three times yearly to explore the application of brain science to learning and teaching. The Conference continues to be international in scope and enjoys co-sponsor participation and support from such organizations as the Mind Brain and Education Program, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University; Martins Imaging Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Program in Neuroscience and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University; Neuroscience Research Institute University of California, Santa Barbara; Laboratorv for Educational NeuroScience BrainLENS) Universitv of California, San Francisco: the Mindful Education Lab, New York University; Comer School Development Program, Yale University School of Medicine; Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Stanford Medicine; and others. She has served on the boards of Massachusetts Eve and Ear Infirmary, the American Repertory Theater at Harvard, The Winsor School, and Milton Academy. As a serious practitioner of voga and member of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry, she supports integrative approaches to wellness, medicine and mental health, and she is interested in the de-medicalization of the mental health field in favor of such enlightened, social and psychological approaches as psychotherapy, Soteria House and Open Dialogue.